John Kerry la Chişinău
Primul ministru Iurie Leancă soseşte la reşedinţa de stat
Ambasadorul american William Moser şi ministrul moldovean de externe Natalia Gherman
Secretarul de stat american John Kerry intră în reşedinţa de stat de la Chişinău
La întâlnirea cu secretarul de stat american, John Kerry, au participat şeful statului, Nicoale Timofti, premierul Iurie Leancă, speakerul parlamentului, Igor Corman, şi liderii partidelor din coaliţia de guvernare, preşedintele PLDM, Vlad Filat, liderul PD, Marian Lupu, şi liderul PLR, Ion Hadârcă.
Moldova - U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, at the residence of the government in Chisinau
Moldova - U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, at the residence of the government in Chisinau
Moldova - U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, at the residence of the government in Chisinau
Moldova - U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, at the residence of the government in Chisinau
Moldova - U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, at the residence of the government in Chisinau
Moldova - U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, at the residence of the government in Chisinau