Relațiile germano-cehe: o expoziție nouă la Praga - Saxonia Boemia. Atît de aproape, atît de departe

Imagine din expoziția de la Praga.

Coperta Catalogului expoziției

Standing Infant Jesus, Upper Lusatia, c. 1510–1520, trousers 18th century, Zisterzienserinnenabtei St. Marienstern, Panschwitz-Kuckau, Prague

Lucas Cranach the Elder St. Christina, c. 1520-22, Prague

Master IW, Salome with the Head of John the Baptist, c. 1525, National Gallery Prague, Prague

Master IW, The Resurrection of Christ with the Figures of Death and Donor, 1536 or 1537, property of the Diocese of Litoměřice , Prague

Master of the Doksany (Dohna) Alter, Christ Resurrected (Triumphant), c. 1520, National Gallery, Prague

Walking Horse, 1605; pedestal c. 1610, Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Prague

David Černý, Jan Kupecký, Portrait of the Leipzig Painter David Hoyer, 1712, Maximilian Speck von Sternburg Stiftung, Prague

Imagini din expoziție....

Joseph Hegenbarth On the Riverbank, Prague

Czech Republic - Exhibition Saxony-Bohemia So close-so far,

Oskar Kokoschka, View of Hradcany and Charles bridge 1935, Prague

Matěj Václav Jäckel, Flying Angel, c. 1720, National Gallery Prague , Prague

Desen de Milada Marešova

David Černý, Quo Vadis, 1990, Prague