Eroii primei ședințe a noului Parlament - Chișinău 28 august 2009

epa01839967 Serafim Urechean, front, the leader of Our Moldova Alliance and Marian Lupu, back, leader of Democratic party vote in parliament in Chisinau, Moldova, 28 August 2009. Moldova's parliament elected Mihai Ghimpu (unseen), leader of the Liberal Party as President of Moldova's Parliament. The Communists left the meeting hall and said they will fight the vote in court.
epa01839973 Two workers collect the red carpet after the communists left the parliament in Chisinau, Moldova, 28 August 2009. Moldova's parliament elected Mihai Ghimpu, leader of the Liberal Party as President of Moldova's Parliament. The Communists left the meeting hall and said they will fight the vote in court.